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NEW PLS 3x360G Three-Plane Green Laser Level Kit
Get maximum accuracy with minimum effort using the 3×360 Laser Level. This incredibly versatile combination laser level boasts best-in-class accuracy and it's the first PLS laser with 3-beam laser technology integrated to an automatic pendulum.
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Green PLS Laser Overview

Where Are PLS Lasers Made?
PLS Point and Plumb Lasers

PLS Straight Line Lasers

PLS Rotary Lasers

The PLS Performance Promise
PLS manufactures the highest quality layout tools for professional contractors, dedicated to designing rugged and accurate laser tools for increased productivity and profit. With fast and accurate portability, PLS lasers save time and money compared to traditional methods like bubble vials, plumb bobs or complex measurements.
Best in class features integrated in every PLS laser model: bright, thin beam lines; drop-tested with water and dust Ingress Protection (IP); self-leveling technology, best accuracy at range.